Debate Program
Vertical Divider
TEAM AWARDSPotomac Debate Academy teams performed very well and won top places in many national level competitions.
2019 - 2020 season national level awards
- Earned 1 Octofinalist (Top 16 out of 200+ teams) - Earned 1 Quarterfinalist (Top 8 out of 200+ teams) - Two top speaker awards (Top 10 out of 400+ speakers)
- Earned 1 Quarterfinalist (Top 8 out of 60+ teams) - Our top team WON the ENTIRE tournament (Top team) - Four top speakers awards in Top 10 (including #1 Speaker out of 100+ speakers) - Won entire Middle School division, top team AND top speaker (dual #1s out of more than 100+ competitors)
- Earned 2 Quarterfinalist (Top 8 out of 50+ teams) - Earned 2 Semifinalist (Top 4 out of 50+ teams) - Our top team WON the ENTIRE tournament (Top team) - Six top speaker awards in Top 10 (including #2 Speaker out of 100+ speakers)
- Earned 1 Quarterfinalist (Top 8 out of 80+ teams) - Our top team WON the ENTIRE tournament (Top team) - Two top speaker awards in Top 10 (including #2 Speaker out of 160+ speakers)
- Earned 1 Semifinalist (Top 4 out of 130+ teams) - One top speaker award (Top 10 out of 250+ speakers)
- Earned 1 FINALIST (#2 out of 400+ teams) - Won entire Middle School division, top team AND top speaker (dual #1s out of more than 200+ competitors)
- Finished Top 20 at National Championships |